Venus, like Mars, is quite bright and only requires very short exposures to image properly. It is more challenging however as it is typically only visible low in the morning or evening skies. In my location, neither of those are an option so I have to image Venus during the daylight hours. I have yet to capture clouds on Venus which ultimately is my goal. I’ll return to this object.
(The different color of the planet below is due to processing attempts to bring out subtle details. This is a work in progress.)

UPDATE: The October 9th (2023) image is my first attempt to image Venus with a ‘Venus filter’ (i.e. not in visible light). The main issue I encountered during this session was very poor seeing! I was able to capture some cloud details but steadier skies are needed before I can improve on the focus. Stay tuned! I’ll continue to use the ‘Venus filter’ until I encounter some steady skies!