All images taken with an ASA 500mm f/15.6 Cassegrain.
The 2022 images were taken two days apart. Both indicate that the planet’s pole is pointed toward the Earth. Uranus’ axis of rotation is nearly parallel with the plane of the Solar System which is unique to the planets. Near the solstice and opposition, one pole faces the Earth continuously while the other faces away.
The image taken on 10-1-23 is a stack from 25 two-minute videos. The South Pole is oriented down in this case. The other images have the pole oriented as seen from Earth – in a nearly East/West orientation. All images except for the most recent, used a color camera and no filter. Better results were obtained with a mono camera and filter. See below.
10-23-23 –> Camera: IMX290 Filter: ProPlanet 642 Exposures: 22 ms